PSY 1001H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Occipital Lobe

227 views3 pages
13 Jan 2017

Document Summary

This material will be on the first progress exam on sept 30. Human brains and brains of other animals are homologous, producing some similarities in behavior. When neuron is not being stimulated or inhibited 60 millivolts. Long processes (dendrites and axons), conduct electrical signals, communicate through synapses. What is the autonomic nervous system? controls involuntary actions of our internal organs and glands. Sympathetic action, energy mobilization; parasympathetic rest, energy storage. Neuron that sends messages to other neurons nearby. Temporal object recognition, scenes are put back together as whole, names. Frontal executive function (planning, reasoning, sequencing, short-term memory), language production. What is the prefrontal cortex? behavior & personality. 15 what is the limbic system? emotional center of brain that also plays roles in smell, motivation, memory (internal states) 16 why is the dorsal pathway from the occipital lobe to the parietal lobe called the. Why is the ventral pathway from the occipital lobe to the temporal lobe called the.