PSY 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Superior Temporal Sulcus, Twin, Differential Psychology

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Document Summary

It may be updated based on what the lecturer"s present this week. The following ideas, concepts, terms and such could appear on the exam. Note: if it isn"t on the study guide it won"t be on the exam. If it is on the study guide, it could be on the exam. Use the practice exam and study guide quizzes to prepare. All concepts measured on the practice exam have corresponding concepts on the exam. In some cases you may see the same item. Francis galton: darwin"s cousin, darwin principles to behavioral psychology, behavioral genetics, developed first iq test. Eugenics: science that seeks to promote genetic/biological improvement of human society by deciding who could and who could not reproduce. Identical twin genetics: share 100% of dna material. Mz: monozygotic=identical, result from one egg and one sperm. Extraversion behaviors: partying, sales, alcohol consumptions, traffic accidents. Neuroticism behaviors: mental illness, social awkwardness, divorce; emotional reactivity.