FSCN 1112 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin K, Extracellular Fluid

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26 Oct 2018

Document Summary

20 multiple choice questions: -main anion in extracellular fluid. Reduced copper absorption and activity of copper containing enzymes functions of iron. Functions of zinc: adult men: 15 cups (3. 7l) adult women: 11 cups (2. 7l) What is non-heme iron: to counteract nutrient loss from milling (removal of the germ, bran, and husk layers) Deficiency of vitamin c: cofactor in 2 enzymatic reactions. Toxicity of vitamin a food sources of selenium. Deficiency of vitamin k: -bone development and maintenance. Functions of manganese: -weight loss (as little as 10 lbs) Treatment of hypertension: -pernicious anemia (inadequate production of the intrinsic factor) Functions of copper: -as many as 300 different enzymes require zinc. What is iodine deficiency disorders (idd: -women with excessive bleeding during menstruation may need iron. What types of individuals may require a dietary supplement: -coenzyme a (acetyl-coa) Vitamin d2: -metabolism (amino acid metabolism and glycogenolysis) Nerve impulse transmission, hcl, immune response, acid-base balance.