ESPM 1011 Study Guide - Thermal Pollution, Secondary Treatment, Benthic Zone

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Chapter 12 review questions: compare and contrast the main types of freshwater ecosystems. The area the water drains from is called a watershed. Floodplains (areas where the river periodically floods) are especially fertile, and are good for agriculture. Rivers and streams have high diversity: lakes and ponds: bodies of open standing water. Their physical conditions and the types of life within them vary with depth and instance from shore. (see answer to part ii). Ponds and lakes may change over time naturally as streams and runoff bring them sediment and nutrients: marshes, swamps, and bogs: systems that combine when freshwater and dry land; often lumped under the term wetlands. Freshwater marshes have shallow water that allows plants to grow above the water surface. Swamps have shallow water rich with vegetation as well, but occur in forested areas. Bogs are ponds covered with thick floating mats of vegetation.