ESCI 1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Clay Minerals, Batholith, Banaba Island

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Intrusive rock: it was formed when magma hardened underneath earth"s surface: extrusive rock: igneous rock that erupted and formed on the earth"s surface. They are of andesitic silica composition: strato / composite volcano: a concave-shaped composite volcano formed from alternation layers of lava flows and beds of pyroclasts. They are of basaltic silica composition. (8) why do they have different shapes: shield volcanos are formed by the accumulation of thousands of basaltic flows that spread as gently sloping sheets. Made up of hundreds of thousands of thin flows & magmas erupts from flanks of volcanos as well as the central vent: strato volcanos are formed by alternating layers of pyroclasts and lava flows. The process is that the solids settle out of the water. River water flows into the ocean and slows down. The stuff is then deposited: chemical: transported in solution, precipitate from solution.