[ESCI 1001] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (58 pages long)

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What drives plate motion: mantle convection. Three types of plate boundaries: divergent boundaries: plates move away from each other, oceanic ridges: volcanoes, rifts, shallow earthquakes (ex. American and eurasian plates- iceland: mid-ocean ridges = 23% of earth surface, age of oceanic crust: youngest is at oceanic ridges (age is symmetric around the ridges, continental rifts (ex. African plates: east african rift valley: convergent boundaries: plates move toward each other (subduction, subduction zone: ocean-continent (ex. American plate: trench [trenches are deepest aspect of earth"s topography] and andes: volcanoes, deep earthquakes, subduction zone: ocean-ocean (ex. Plate: mariana islands and marianas trench: oceanic trench, volcanic island arc, and deep earthquakes, continental collision: continent-continent (ex. Australian plate and eurasian plate: himalayan mountains and. Tibetan plateau: crustal thickening, folded mountains, deep earthquakes (neither plate goes down. Willingly?: transform boundaries: plates slide past each other, continental transform fault (ex. San andreas fault: lateral (transform) fault and lots of earthquakes, mid-oceanic ridge transform fault (ex.