PSY 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fast Path, Limbic System, Thalamus

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6 Dec 2015

Document Summary

The medial prefrontal lobe: what is the principle of antithesis, which part of phineas gage brain was damaged and caused his aggression and. The phenomenon where opposite messages are often signaled by opposite movements and postures. E. g. aggression (ears forward, hair up, tail up) submission (ears down, hair down, tails down: describe the james-lange theory. According to the james-lange theory, emotion-inducing sensory stimuli are received and interpreted by the cortex, which triggers changes in the visceral organs via the autonomic nervous system and in the skeletal muscle via the somatic nervous system. Then, the ans and sns trigger the experience of emotion in the brain: flow chart of emotion in the james-lange theory. E. g. fear and anger causes very similar physiological response. Humans are not very sensitive to physiological functions e. g. heart rate, blood pressure. Physical changes sometimes takes a while to show e. g. 15 secs until blushing when embarrassed: describe the cannon-bard theory.