PHYS.1210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nandrin, Spiral Galaxy

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Multiply the coefficients--round to the number of significant figures in the coefficient with the smallest number of significant figures. In science and engineering, a log log graph or log log plot is a two- dimensional graph of numerical data that uses logarithmic scales on both the horizontal and vertical axes. exponential functions plot on semilog paper as straight lines. Semi-log paper has one arithmetic and one logarithmic axis. Newton"s 2nd law if an object is acted upon by a net force, the change in velocity will be in the direction of the force. Objects move in the direction they are pushed or pulled. A conjunction of an inferior planet that occurs when the planet is lined up directly between the earth and the sun. A planet that orbits between the earth and the sun. Minimum speed needed for an object to escape from the gravitational attraction of a massive body, without the aid of thrust, or suffering the resistance from friction.