PSYCH 215 Quiz: Study guide exam 2

92 views2 pages
21 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Reducing most of your fear all at once. Freud believed that these phobias were related to the first years of life, some problem with one of the first stages of psychosexual development. Symptom substitution - when you loose one fear you replace it with another theory of freud - found to be false. Agoraphobia this can be a conditioned fear - fear that you will have a panic attack out in a public place - you then fear even going out all. Fear of being in a situation from which you might not escape or might be difficult. Social phobia fear of situations that may lead to embarrassment speaking in public agoraphobia. Tranquilizers not to be longer than a 3 month period. Gaba inhibitory neurotransmitter or the valerian root increases. Obsessive compulsive disorder obsession repetitive thought compulsion behavior. Some people will be obsessive compulsive about washing hands they ll wash so much that their hands chap and bleed.