PUBHLTH 324 Study Guide - Final Guide: Null Hypothesis, Mammography, Research Question

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Epidemiology - study of what impacts people. Exposure - risk factors, something that can cause disease. Work in schools, health depts, hospitals, etc. Epidemiology - study of distribution, determinants, and deterrents of morbidity/mortality in human population. Determine extent (occurrence) of disease in the community. Study natural history and prognosis of disease. Stage of recovery, disability, or death identify associations and causes of disease and risk factors for disease. Evaluate new preventative and therapeutic measures and new modes of healthcare delivery. Primordial prevention - stop risk factors before they occur tertiary prevention inform policy and health deterrents (regulatory decisions) Descriptive epi - use when little is known about disease, rely on preexisting data, who, where, when, potential association. Analytic epi - use when aspects of disease is available, rely on development of new data, why, evaluate causality. First clinical trial, 1747, ship to find scurvy. Most was from infectious disease back then, now it is chronic disease.