PUBHLTH 290B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Public Health Surveillance, Framingham Heart Study, American Cancer Society

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What is ph science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort. What did public health look like when it started. Cleanliness = good health recognized that polluted water and lack of proper waste disposal spread communicable diseases (miasma). Medicine looks for a cure while ph aims to prevent disease etc. 3 core functions (assessment policy, assurance) also evaluation . Assessment diagnostic function, ph agency collects, assembles, analyzes and makes available info on health of population. Policy the use of scientific knowledge to develop a strategic approach to improving a community"s health. Assurance equivalent of doctor"s actual treatment of patient. Ph assures that the services needed for the protection of the community are available + accessible. Evaluation evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal + population based health services. Develop + test community-level problem intervention to control/prevent cause of problem. Implement interventions to improve the health of populations.