PSYCH 360 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Impression Formation, Nonverbal Communication, Centrality

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Impression formation: the process by which we integrate different types of information about another person into an overall judgment. Two noteworthy parts of this definition: ______________, ______________: Nonverbal behaviors of others shape our impressions of them: nonverbal behavior: Kids can tell a lot of lies, and this is a good sign of development. _________: he believed that impressions are ____________ (made into an integrative narrative) Example: rate 0-10 how favorably you feel about: mother theresa, ghandi, obama- obama is often rated ________, hitler, osama bin laden, obama- obama is often rated _________ ** clearly demonstrates that personality impressions are strongly influenced by the. We often seek information to confirm our first impressions: the tendency to seek information that supports our beliefs while ignoring disconfirming information is known as: ____________ ________. Attribution theory is not concerned with _____________ causes but with.