BIOLOGY 152 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Antifreeze, Globin, Selection Coefficient

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The making of the fittest study guide exam #1. Here are the parts of carroll i would like you to focus on for the exam. Please, read the sections these questions refer to carefully. In addition to the questions posed here, i will be asking other questions from these pages in carroll on the exam: q: what happened to ice fish that they could no longer make hemoglobin? (pg. A: the globin genes that codes for the globin part of hemoglobin have gone extinct. A: see page 24 and look at your lecture notes and handout: q: in order to adapt to cold water ice fish lost the ability to make hemoglobin and red blood cells. This made their blood less viscous at colder temperatures. In addition to losing this ability, what ability did they invent (evolve) to deal with the extremely cold water of the antarctic? (pg.