[AFROAM 236] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (30 pages long!)

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What is race: race is a social construction, not a biological fact, to prevent worker coalition/class strike you create race, whites superior to blacks. What is jim crow: segregation laws in the south, after reconstruction, followed black codes. Civil war: over state"s rights, who will be more powerful north or south, battle of economics. Plessy v. ferguson 1896: man was 1/8 black, supreme court declared separate but equal is legal. Enforcement acts 1870-71: outlaws disguises and masks, protects civil rights of citizens. Kkk act made it a federal offense to interfere with voting/holding office, enforced 14th amendment. Compromise: hays is president if north pulls out of south: disenfranchisement. Share cropping: blacks rented plot of land, landowners provided supplies, blacks must harvest certain amount to make profit: many couldn"t read but signed contracts. After 1865 freedom depended on blood/biology (one drop rule) Ida wells wrote about black lynching, said blacks are civilized.