WOMENSTD 220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pap Test, Bacterial Vaginosis, Cervical Cancer

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Document Summary

Provide explanations of health disparities or infirmity. Health: state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. Difference in women"s health compared to men"s health. Gender dynamics between health care providers and patients. Consideration of the social construction of sex/gender and how it affects women"s health. Civil rights, second wave feminism , access to info. Women"s health research: beyond reproduction to comprehensive health considerations. Study of diseases unique to women or diseases with a higher prevalence in women than men or disease that present differently in women than in men. Social construction: manner in which something is, is a result of the social forces that have constructed it to be so . Feminism: a perspective that acknowledges the oppression of women within a patriarchal society, and struggles towards the elimination of sexist oppression and domination for all human beings. Challenges medicalization of health care (pathologizing of normal psych processes)