SOC 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patricia Hill Collins, Saima Noor, Heterosexism

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8 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Review sheet - unit 3 sex as problem. To look at the reality of a situation and then construct a definition afterwards (learn what something is) We categorize what sexual behaviors are, but the varieties are infinite. No exact, one way to have sex/kiss. Creates socially created norms of how you should be. Problem is a lot of people don"t completely fit into these categories (ex. 1800s sex was only accepted as act of pro-creation in marriages (victorian life) (not erotic sex based on pleasure), therefore was simply an instinct for reproduction not basis of identity. Not exactly because during the time of lincoln, the concept of gay did not even exist so by calling him gay we would be applying a 20th century concept to his time. Created to further secure a gender order (men are different and opposite of women) that was being weakened by social change.