[SOC 100] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (95 pages long)

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Social stratification: ranking system that societies use to sort people into high and low ranking groups and reward the high with more of what society values: health, power, respect, wealth. Prejudice: application of a stereotype to an individual: negative attitude toward a person who belongs to a group just because they belong to that group and are perceived to have characteristics of the group. Discrimination: acting on prejudices: treat people unequally because of membership in a group, this sometimes occurs even after prejudices have been proved inaccurate, gordo(cid:374) allport"s (cid:1009) (cid:272)ategories of dis(cid:272)ri(cid:373)i(cid:374)atio(cid:374), verbal rejection, avoidance, active discrimination, physical attacks, extermination. Institutional discrimination: policy, practices, or structures unfairly subordinate some groups while advantaging others: segregated schools, discriminatory employment practices, racial profiling, may be ostensibly fair but have discriminatory consequences. Minority group: singled out for unequal treatment based on physical or cultural characteristics: not about numbers.