PSYCH 303 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multistage Sampling, Quota Sampling, Oversampling

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23 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena and is based on empirical data from multiple studies. Suggests that we should prefer studies with ndings tting into this larger explanatory framework. Negates the popular form of reason of experience. Collecting data and using it to develop, support, or challenge a theory. A researcher"s expectation for the results of the study. Can mean that a person does not have special abilities, that an independent variable does not have an effect on the dependent variable, or that two variables are not correlated with each other. Depending on whether or not the data are consistent with hypotheses based on a theory, the data may either support or challenge the theory. Exhibits parsimony (if two theories explain data equally well but one is simpler, opt for the simpler, more parsimonious one) Theory must lead to a hypothesis that, when tested, can fail to support the theory.