PSYCH 250 Midterm: Exam 2 Review

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28 May 2016

Document Summary

Ability natural ability to do something. Ex: succeeding at math because you"re good at it. Effort working to be good at something. Ex: succeeding at math because you studied hard. Physical and cognitive development in early childhood (chapter 5) Gross large muscle movements: huge growth in gross movements between ages 2 and 6. Fine small coordinated movements: requires patience and judgement. Myelination forming myelin sheath around neurons speeds up processing and reaction time: continues from preschool to adulthood. Corpus callosum band of neurons that connects the two brain hemispheres: helps with coordination, speeds up processing time, rapid growth from 2-6, left side of body controlled by right hemisphere, vice versa. Frontal lobes improves decision making: develops slowly, personality development, increased inhibition, communication, planning, synaptogenesis continues. Young children are very active but lack inhibition. Also lack growth in frontal lobe to plan out actions.