PSYCH 250 Midterm: ReviewSheetExam4W08.doc

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Physical changes - vision, hearing, weight/body dimensions, skin, muscle-fat makeup, skeleton. Changes in women"s reproductive system - nature of climacteric and perimenopause. Menopause - definition, timing, hormonal changes and their physical consequences, physical symptoms, psychological impact (3 reasons it may not be as traumatic as typically believed) - reading #7 (sampselle et al. , 2002) Advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy national research findings from whi. Reproductive changes in men, changes in sexuality for women and men. General health status during middle adulthood - 3 main health nemeses of weight, cancer, cardiovascular disease; leading causes of death; cancer prevention recommendations; osteoporosis. How stress affects health; roles of hostility & anger; type a behavior pattern; hardiness and its benefits. Adult cognition (parts of chapters 15 and 17) Intelligence is multidimensional, multi-directional, characterized by interindividual variation, plastic. Fluid vs. crystallized intelligence - changes over time seen in traditional cross-sectional research.