PSYCH 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Implicit Memory, Anterograde Amnesia, Explicit Memory

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11 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Raven"s progressive matrices: storage holding information, processing taking 1 piece of info and comparing it to another, test starts easy then gets harder. Select info from working memory storage and transform using facts stored in long term memory. Put transformed info back into storage buffer. Information about the problem when it is taken away from you. Info about the answer: ltm: library of strategies. Measure of working memory span: digital span: highest # digits subject can repeat back w/out error. Hear a series of digits and immediately repeat then back in order. Number of digits increases on each trial until they can no longer be repeated back correctly: operation span: # items recalled in order. Foam: after each say yes or no if problem is correct or incorrect, then say word. After 2-6 pairs, subject must recall final words in order: reading span: highest # words subject can repeat.