PSYCH 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Parahippocampal Gyrus, Mammillary Body, Frontal Lobe

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25 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Kc: damage to cortex and shrinkage of hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex (kfc uses hippo meat: sho(cid:449)ed that there"s a difference btw semantic and episodic memory (still had general semantic but not autobiographical) Operant conditioning: skinner, focus on consequence, shaping voluntary behavior. Classical conditioning: pavlovian/ respondent, pair bell w/stimulus of food bell becomes conditioned stimulus and salivation becomes conditioned response; uses the pairing of 2 stimuli. Motor: the dorsal striatum (caudate, globus pallidus, and putamen) integrates sensory information from the somatosensory cortex with dopamine inputs from the substantia nigra (nigrostriatal pathway) and sends projections to the thalamus: operant conditioning activates the basal ganglia. Damage to the basal ganglia disrupts operant conditioning. Depending on the subtype, there are different downstream effects. The region receiving dopamine inputs (either striatum or nucleus accumbens) is also receiving information from other parts of the brain at the same time.