PSYCH 225 Study Guide - Final Guide: Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirschfeld, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

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12 Jun 2018
Reading Notes
Chapter 1 Sexuality in Perspective:
Sex + Gender
Sexual behavior can be defined as any behavior that increases the likelihood of gamete union
(sperm + egg)
Also can be defined as behavior that leads to orgasm (Kinsey)
Also any behavior that produces arousal and increases change of orgasm (but not necesarily
History of Understanding Sexuality: Religion and Science
Ancient greeks acknowledge sexual orientation and desire (spectrum)
Greek myth saying humans were originally twice the amount of orgams, some
people were double male, double female or half male half female. Fearing the
poe of these eatues the god’s split the i half so the had to fid thei
soulmate (understanding that two men can be soulmates)
Most catholic/christian religions enforce heteronormativity and abstinence
Wet dreams are a result of sodomy and witchcraft
Sexual activity highly praised in muslim religions (for men)
19th century - discover sperm in semen
Sigmund Freud advances a lot of sexual developmental understanding
1875 - observed fertilization of egg
Ovum in humans not discovered until 20th century
Cultural context because it was not encouraged to explore sex (esp. Female pleasure)
Hard to get scientists (men) to agree that women are also sexual creatures
Margaret Mead (anthropologist)
Timeline (years are rough estimates)
s → Feud ad the pshoaalti oeet
 → Haelok Ellis Studies in the Psychology of Sex
 → Magus Hishfeld ad the German sexual reform movement
 → Malioski, Mead athopologial studies
 → Kise egis sue
1948- → Kise Pulished Sexual Behavior in the Human Male/Female
 → Mastes ad Johso, phsiolog of seual espose ad seual
 → JO Moe, eos i gede diffeetiatio
 → soial pshologists ad epeietal eseah
 → eplosio of AIDs-related research
 → Cotepoa se sueys
s → e ased sues
The media
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Cultiatio → ouiatios theo, the ie that the ass edia akes people thik that
what they see is an accurate representation of what occurs (ex: porn)
Ageda “ettig → edia deidig hat is ipotat  the stoies the hoose to oe
“oial leaig → edia poides ole odels hih e iitate e: ail ooe eoig
an icon, determining what is and is not sexy, how a woman should and should not act)
Cultue → taditioal ideas ad alues passed do fo geeatio to geeatio
Ethoetis → idea that ou o ultue is supeio to othes ad defies hat is ight ad
Iest Taoo → pohiitig ad ot soiall aeptig oati elations between blood
Variations in Sexual Techniques
Varies from culture to culture
What is aepted like feale pleasue
Also frequency varies as well (irish on low end, mangaians on high end)
Post-partum sex taboo common but not in all cultures
Self-stimulation of genitals
Acceptance varies widely
Female masturbation taboo
Premarital and Exmarital Sex
Polynesia: practice a wide variety of sexual practices, mothers are proud if daughters
have multiple sexual partners,
Mediteranean societies: prohibit premarital sex (probs because of conservative
Sexual behavior: behavior that produces arousal and increase the chance of orgasm
The internet: the most powerful mass-media influence
28% of males reported looking at pictures of people having sex at least once a week
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723): discovered sperm swimming in human semen
Oskar Hertwig (1849-1922): Fertilization of egg by sperm in sea urchins
Henry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939): studies in the psychology of sex à me and women are sexual
Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902): pathological sexuality à sadism, masochism, pedophilia,
heterosexuality vs. homosexuality
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935): specialists on homosexuality
Alfred Kinsey (1940s),
Master & Johnson,
Margaret Mead
Bronislaw Malinowski
Masturbation: self-stimulation of the genitals to produce sexual arousal
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Racial microaggression: subtle insults directed at people of color and often done unconsciously
Sexual health: a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality
Sexual rights: basic, inalienable rights regarding sexuality, both positive and negative, such as
rights to reproductive self-determination and sexual self-expression and freedom from sexual
abuse and violence
Standards of Attractiveness vary across cultures
Chapter 3: Sex Research
Measuring Sex (pp. 43)
Direct observation: a behavior measure, in which the scientist directly observes the behavior
being studied
Eye-takig: a deie easues the patiipat’s poit of gaze oe tie
Self reports
Helpful when measuring attitudes
Implicit association test: measures an individual's relative strength of association between
seemingly unrelated or related topics
Biological measures
Geital easues → assess aousa  easuig eetio o agial hages
MRI ahies → looks at ativity
Limitations: (1) participants must be very still to get good images (2) MRI
depends on contrasting between two stimuli
Issues in Sex Research (pp. 44)
Population: a group of people a researcher wants to study and make inferences about
Sample: a part of a population
Random sample: each member of the population has an equal chance of being induced in the
Probability sampling: each member of the population has a known probability of being included
in the sample
Problem of refusal or nonresponse: some people will refuse to participate in a sex survey,
making it difficult to study a random sample
Volunteer bias: a bias in a results of sex surveys that arises when some people refuse to
participate those in the sample are volunteers
Convenience sample: sample chosen in a haphazard manner relative to the population of
Snowball sampling: find members of a population to sample in a hard accessible group through
an easily accessible group
Accuracy of Measurement (pp. 46)
Purposeful distortion: purposely giving false information in a survey
Computer-assisted self-interview: respondent fills out a questionnaire on the computer
Test-retest reliability: method to test whether self-reports are reliable or accurate
Memory: testing and sampling makes the assumption that participants remember their
experiences accurately
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Document Summary

Sexual behavior can be defined as any behavior that increases the likelihood of gamete union (sperm + egg) Also can be defined as behavior that leads to orgasm (kinsey) Also any behavior that produces arousal and increases change of orgasm (but not necesarily orgams) Ancient greeks acknowledge sexual orientation and desire (spectrum) Greek myth saying humans were originally twice the amount of orgams, some people were double male, double female or half male half female. Fearing the po(cid:449)e(cid:396) of these (cid:272)(cid:396)eatu(cid:396)es the god"s split the(cid:373) i(cid:374) half so the(cid:455) had to fi(cid:374)d thei(cid:396) soulmate (understanding that two men can be soulmates) Most catholic/christian religions enforce heteronormativity and abstinence. Wet dreams are a result of sodomy and witchcraft. Sexual activity highly praised in muslim religions (for men) 19th century - discover sperm in semen. Sigmund freud advances a lot of sexual developmental understanding. Ovum in humans not discovered until 20th century.