PSYCH 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Primary Motor Cortex, Sympathetic Nervous System

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14 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Increased interconnectivity across brain regions causes person to mix senses. For example, can smell sounds, hear colors, etc. Neurons for one sense may be located in a part of the brain for a different sense. Receptor cells: contained in sensory organs and sense some stimuli. Substances in contact with the tongue or other taste buds. Labeled lines: action potentials travel along separate nerve tracts, so the brain is able to differentiate between different senses, touching something hot activates heat receptors. Somatosensory system: determine whether the sensation arises from within or outside the body. Structure of a receptor cell: the region where a sensory stimulus will alter a (cid:374)euro(cid:374)"s firi(cid:374)g rate, determines what kind of energy or chemical it responds to. Generator potential: local change in membrane potential when stimulus binds. Sensory transduction: conversion of electrical energy from a stimulus into a change in membrane potential in a receptor cell. Responds to changes in stimuli: merkel"s dis(cid:272)s.