[PSYCH 111] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 77 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Learning: any relative permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience. Conditioning: a kind of learning that involves associations between environmental stimuli and responses: classical conditioning: (pavlov) The organism learns to associate two stimuli. One produces a response that originally was only produced by the other. Unconditioned stimulus(us) elicits the unconditioned response (food) Unconditioned response (ur): response which is automatically produced (salivating) Conditioned stimulus (cs): originally neutral stimulus that elicits a behavior after being paired. Conditioned response (cr): response elicited by the conditioned stimulus (salivate to bell) Acquisition: phase of classical conditioning when the us and cs are paired together. Extinction: repeat the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus over time and the conditioned response will disappear. Spontaneous recovery: after a response has been extinguished it may spontaneously reappear after the passage of time with the exposure to the conditioned stimulus.