INTLSTD 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Complete Control, Avail, Gender Inequality Index

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Development part two: what has been the role of celebrities in the development project and what questions should we ask ourselves when evaluating any given celebrity"s contribution? (rahul gupta) Celebrities roles have primarily been to generate awareness and act as kickstarters for social innovation. Set of policies on how to provide aid to other countries: an agreement between dc institutions to place conditions on loans, requirements are that the nation has to: Deregulate industries to promote competition: allows countries to take out loans but in some cases causes more harm than good. With an increase of debt, spending on social programs decreases which therefore creates more inequality in a state: weaknesses. Doesn"t take into account income distribution, economic differences, or building state institutions. Women are the primary users of public services, so government cuts on welfare, child care, and public transport impact the daily lives of women much more.