INTLSTD 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epidemiological Transition, Millennium Development Goals, Cardiovascular Disease

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**** who, difference between international/global/public health, epidemiological transition: according to the world health organization, what is the definition of health (william feuer) An important note to make when discussing the world health organization"s definition of health is that it is not just the absence of disease. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Furthermore, the who defines health as a resource for everyday life rather than an objective of living. Be able to name advantages and disadvantages? (avery friedman) Globalization includes: the integration of national economies, easier international travel and communication, and the blending of cultures all which impact people"s health. \ Thus: health patterns, policies and interventions can not be considered in isolation from other countries, cultures and conditions, other sectors (travel/agriculture/finance) and other developmental efforts. Health has improved in children < 5 years old. 27% fewer died in 2007 than 1990. 27 countries reported reduction in malaria (1990-2006), some approaching local elimination.