COMM 281 Study Guide - Final Guide: Will & Grace, Social Influence, Ingroups And Outgroups

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When discussing studies: results don"t mean anything if design limits conclusions. If article comes from apa in psych journal 5-minute way to read it; start with last paragraph of intro, skip to results, back to methods, read conclusion. Questions in lecture go back and look at text. Skin tone and crime new dixon and maddox. Interested in whether media depictions could activate stereotypes about association between african americans and crime. Wanted to know whether the kinds of tactics of making people seem more stereotypically black would exacerbate this connection. Darker skin tone more consistent with stereotype of blacks. Stereotype is more likely to be activated in response to darker skin than lighter skin perpetrators. Findings: heavy viewers with darkest skin photo had most concern about story, victim evaluated more positively in perpetrator was non white, better memory for medium and dark skinned perpetrators vs. white perpetrator. Limitations: the victim is a police officer whose race in unidentified.