CHEM 210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stereochemistry

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5 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Energy diagrams and transition state problems in the coursepack: For those that attended the go ahead - try your hand at newmans/chair drawings: newmans: 69b, 70a-c, 72a, 75a,b, 76c, 81b, 83b, 84aiii. Chairs: 61a, 63c, 65a, 73c, 77, 86b, 87b. 57cb,c, 60, 63a, 64b, 68a, 74, 76a and b, 78, 80c, 82c, 84b, 85a,c, 89a. All the naming and nmr practice problems in ch. 5 are a good place to start for these topics. Try your hand at a few of these (especially drawing out mechanisms and predicting products for. Sn2 and ea reactions)-i will work through these problems and energy diagram problems and naming problems on friday (office hours and workshop). 4: sn2 and strong acid electrophilic additions: energy diagrams, transition states, kinetics and thermodynamics, ch. 5 molecular organization: naming and nmr: ch. 6 molecular organization stereochemistry and isomeric relationships: changing a (cid:373)ole(cid:272)ule (cid:271)y alteri(cid:374)g the a(cid:271)solute spatial arra(cid:374)ge(cid:373)e(cid:374)t arou(cid:374)d a parti(cid:272)ular stereo site : ch.