PSY 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ischemia, Savant Syndrome, Generalised Tonic-Clonic Seizure

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Damage may occur from: tumor, infection, stroke, closed head injury. Frontal lobe: controls: higher order processing, executive function, personality, planning, reasoning, language, comprehension and movement, damage results in: change in personality, decision making. Phineas gage spike through his forehead. Broca"s aphasia interrupts speech, makes it very hard to communicate. Temporal lobe (sarah scott: right above your ear, auditory processing hearing, damage results in: problems with verbal or auditory comprehension. Wer(cid:374)icke"s aphasia - does(cid:374)"t u(cid:374)dersta(cid:374)d what the perso(cid:374) is sayi(cid:374)g a(cid:374)d they go in and out of streams of consciousness but can communicate. Parietal lobe: controls: spatial processing and sensation (integrates sensory input, damage results in: neglect of body or space and difficulty in spatial relations. Occipital lobe: back of the head, visual processing, damage results in: loss of vision, inability to identify colors, hallucinations. Savant syndrome has incredible talent but struggle in some ways. Blood and the brain: cerebral hemorrhage. Blood seeps into the brain: cerebral ischemia.