PSCH 242 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Frequency Distribution, Interquartile Range, Box Plot

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Define the terms variable and constant, and provide examples of each in the context of a research study. Be sure to include the concept of values in your definition. Variable - something that varies in the study. Takes on at least two values, but can have more. Constant - something that does not vary in the study. Only one value in the context of the study. Differentiate between measured variables and manipulated variables, and discuss why some variables can be either manipulated or measured, but others can only be measured. Provide examples in the context of a research study. Ex: absorbance of light within a leaf. Manipulated variables - have multiple levels (ex: values) that are controlled by the researcher. Variables that are only measured are done so because they cannot be manipulated like naturally occurring variables or maybe it"s unethical to manipulate it so one just results to measuring it.