CLJ 421 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Critical Thinking, Juvenile Delinquency, System On A Chip

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Document Summary

Introduction- literature shows 3 important conditions of psychological development: presence of parent. Accountability- use justice system to communicate message that society expects youth to take. Mission of juvenile justice system- prevent reoffending through accountability and fairness. responsibility for their actions and the foreseeable consequences. Prev-use structured risk/needs assessment instruments to identify low risk youth who can be handled less formally in community-based settings, to match youth with specialized treatment, and to target more intensive and expensive intervention on high risk youth. Fairness- ensure youth perceive that they are treated fairly and with dignity. Including review science of childhood and adolescent development and identify relevant findings. Describe history of juve justice reform and its stages, major changes. Study methods- resear(cid:272)h literature o(cid:374) adoles(cid:272)e(cid:374)t de(cid:448) ju(cid:448)e (cid:272)ri(cid:373)e, a(cid:374)d treatment of juve offenders, and materials on legislative history of jjdpa. Current reform effots at national, state and local levels. Studies- some community samples of adolescent of those who are delinquent- some not.