PSYC 465 Midterm: 465 - Exam 3 Stems

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Psychology 465 / educational psychology 405 personality and social development. High in punishment, rigidity, obedience, status, and autocracy. Children learn from groups their parents put them in, not the parents. Parenting industry has high demand, but no purpose: all of the following statements about same-sex peer preferences are true except: The following statements about same-sex peer preferences are true: Appear to emerge in preschool: more opportunities to interact with same-age peers, shift from parallel play to more interactive or shared play; play becomes more complex, overall just more social experience. Continue to grow through middle childhood: by 6. 5 same-sex preferences are even stronger, suggests social categorization exists and may persist even longer with gender than race/ethnicity. Cross-cultural phenomenon: preschool children across a range of cultures displayed consistent same-sex preferences: imagine you are a prominent scholar in the field of parenting.