MCB 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peptidyl Transferase, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Nucleosome

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Need to know the inputs and outputs. Need to know what the inputs and outputs do in the rest of the respiration. What do we use the cofactors for. Peptidyl transferase = linking amino acids together. Step 1 and step 3 need energy. Step 2 connecting amino acid to the other one. Energy comes from breaking the covalent bond in trna and amino acid. They nick the strands, winds/unwinds, glue back together. Step 1 - endonuclease activity to nick. Have the histones h2a, h2b, h3, h4. Everything in the nucleosome, plus the histone h1 holding on to the. Chromatid == dna and protein complexed together. Naked dna is more related to euchromatic compared to heterochromatin. 30nm fibers = flexible zig zag, solenoid. Anything more organized than a 30nm fiber is heterochromatin. Only in mitosis because you need to send one to one cell and one to the. Linker dna cannot be degraded without disrupting core nucleosome.