MATH 286 Midterm: MATH 286 UIUC midterm2013_2

20 views7 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Math 286 section g1 introduction to di erential equations plus. No personal aids or calculators are permitted: answer all questions in the space provided. If you require more space to write your answer, you may continue on the back of the page. There is a blank page at the end of the exam for rough work: explain your work! Little or no points will be given for a correct answer with no explanation of how you got it. If you use a theorem to answer a question, indicate which theorem you are using, and explain why the hypotheses of the theorem are valid: good luck! Please note: proctors are unable to respond to queries about the interpretation of exam questions. Do your best to answer exam questions as written. 52: consider the following linear system of rst order di erential equations: x . 1, and determine how many linearly independent eigenvectors v2 associated to 2 there are.