HIST 141 Midterm: First Exam

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History vs. prehistory - presence of formal writing system. Both combine visual and verbal aspects of culture. Culture - any society has had - material remains, what gives into making people who they are civilization is a subset. Stone age - cultures use stone tools, primary concern was food food received by hunting & gathering, gender norm was that men would hunt while women gather - dependent on nature for food. In s europe self awareness ^ - belief they can control environment w/ cave magic (paintings) & fertility magic (venus figures. 8,000 bce maximize use of stone tools new stone age . Domesticate animals, economic system known as pastoralists - people who keep flocks/herds. Domesticate plants (agriculture), economic system known as agriculturalists. Near east - fertile cresent = mesopotamia & egypt. Culturally diffused/independent around world - india, china, americas. Sumerians, indep"t city states w/ own laws also called temple states b/c of importance of religion.