CMN 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Porter Ranch, Los Angeles, Southern California Gas Company, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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Well that is what the people of porter ranch, From the ny times, this is the equivalent of the bp oil spill, except it"s on land, in a populated community, said mitchell englander, the los. This is one of the most disruptive, catastrophic environmental events that i"ve seen. Main point 2 effects of the disaster: explain it in the short term, the effects on the population are giving them headaches, dizziness, and vomiting, but there are no long term health effects as of now. Times, it"s like a fog in your brain it feels like you"re having a stroke, ms. Mousavi-dormani said of how she feels every time she returns to her home, as she did recently to help prepare for the heavy rainstorms that fell in the region last weekend as a consequence of el ni o. Conclusion: review - the two points that i discussed is what is happening with the porter.