ATMS 120 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Urban Heat Island, Heat Index, Evaporation

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Now that we have learned about the deadliest weather phenomenon in the united states, floods, we are going to investigate the deadliest weather phenomenon in human history. As you watch this lecture, be sure to take note of the four different types of drought. Major notes from this audio lecture: drought is the largest and longest lasting weather-related disaster. It is also the deadliest weather phenomenon in human history. Meteorological drought: forms where there is a long time of below-normal. Hydrological drought: forms when there is a deficit in groundwater or stream/river. Agricultural drought: forms when there is a reduction in top soil moisture (first type. Socioeconomic drought: forms when the water supply for human consumption is. In this video, we will put drought into perspective by first investgating the ongoing drought in the sahel and then look into how drought impacts financial markets. Heat waves are periods of extremely high temperatures that are often embedded within a drought.