[SOC 256] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 13 pages long Study Guide!

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Primary socialization- the process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. Personality stabilization- the role the family plays in assisting its adult members emotionally: feminist approaches b. i. Value assigned to male and female domestic labor: development of family life c. i. Nuclear family closely connected to kinship and almost inseparable from community c. ii. Nuclear family"s connection to kinship and community weakens c. ii. 2. Affective individualism- the belief in romantic attachment as a basis for contracting marriage ties c. iii. 2. Family and work spheres are separate: myth of the traditional family d. i. Violence in the family: research on families today, changing family patterns worldwide a. i. Directions of change a. i. 1. a. i. 2. a. i. 3. a. i. 4. a. i. 5. a. i. 6. Women"s rights in marriage and family are growing. Children"s rights are growing: marriage and family in the us b. i. High marriage rates, but recent delays in age at first marriage due to: b. i. 1. b. i. 2. b. i. 3. b. i. 4.