[SOC 130] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (26 pages long)

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Described the lifestyles and artifacts of the scythians. Ideas were important anthropologically and sociologically b. iii. 1. b. iii. 2. b. iii. 3. High points in society tend to be followed by periods of: charles darwin decay c. i. c. ii. c. iii. Observed the variety of geological formations, living creatures and fossils. Species give rise to other species c. iv. c. v. Biology is important to the human behavior: louis henry morgan - ancient society d. i. d. ii. Human societies progress through a series of stages in a particular direction d. ii. 1. Ranked based on their technology: boasian anthropology e. i. e. ii. e. iii. Can only be understood in terms of that history. Rejects idea that widespread generalization about culture and their development can be made e. v. 4. Important as the argument over relativism: ethnocentrism a. Lecture #2: race and ethnicity, race- a group of people who see themselves and are seen by others as having hereditary traits that set them apart a. i.