SOC 110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reference Group, Stanford Prison Experiment, Self-Concept

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Chapter 1: structuration- the two-way process by which we shape our social world through our individual actions and by which we are reshaped by society, personal troubles- difficulties pertaining to individuals. Public issues- difficulties linked to the institutional and historical possibilities of a social structure. Operationalizing- turning abstract ideas into something measurable (i. e. how you will define and measure a specific variable for a study: research methods in sociology: Ethnography- firsthand study of people using participant observation or interviewing. Participant observation- the researcher takes part in the activities of the group studied (also known as field work) Experiments (rarely used in sociology since controlling too many things skews the results) Triangulation- using 2+ research methods to reap more accurate results: early theorists: Emile durkheim- social facts are external to individuals and exert influence on them. Karl marx- focus on capitalism and its class system. False consciousness- person"s lack of understanding of their position within a society.