[PHI 110] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (33 pages long!)

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Learnable skills- fosters more effective and constructive approaches. Development- occurs in open and inquiring minds- critical thinking. Constructive- tensions= sign that values are complex and varied- inclusive. Ethics draw on passion (to make a difference, see deeply, act honorably, do the right thing) Feelings do not define ethics (you can be ethical and not think that way) Our passions themselves may need direction or redirection (rethinking our passions) Why do we feel the way we do- are our feelings justified. May have to live with some issues for a long time before you know how to deal with them. How do we decide what"s ethical and what"s too far. Ethics asks us to go beyond living out our values to thinking them through. Dogmatists- cannot see another viewpoint and are stuck in their own. Appear to listen but will not change their minds. Ethics say struggle and uncertainty are part of life.