INTB 3354- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 175 pages long!)

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It is an economic agreement between the 11. It hopes to promote economic growth, support and rentention of jobs, innovation, productivity, competitiveness, and raise living standards: difference between multi-domestic companies (coke, unilever, etc. ) and global companies (microsoft, cisco, etc. ) A organization of workers who form to protect and further their rights/interests. Should mncs be held responsible for the actions of their suppliers: primary direction of international trade, mercantilism (definition) The belief in the benefits of profitable trading -commercialism: fdi (definition) Foreign direct investment, it is an investment made by a company/individual in one country to another country for business operations/interest/asset: linder"s theory of overlapping demand, adam smith"s absolute advantage. Managers must pay close attention to labor statistics: factors that impact labor force participation rates, difference between migrant workers/immigrant workers, remittances (definition, 3-d jobs. Finally, if you have any questions about material or if something doesn"t make sense, ask! x was the world"s leading manufacturing company for about.