[EPSY 3360] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (15 pages long!)

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Pros vs. cons of labeling those with special needs: Labels serve a s a means for funding and administering education programs. Teacher certification programs and the credentialing process are frequently developed around specific disability categories. Labels allow professionals to communicate efficiently in a meaningful fashion. Research efforts frequently focus on specific diagnostic categories. Treatments, instructions, and support services are differently provided on the basis of a label. Labels heighten the visibility of the unique needs of persons with disabilities. Labels serve as a basis for counting the number of individuals with disabilities and thus assist govt, schools, agencies, and other organizations in planning for the delivery of needed services. Labels can be stigmatizing and may lead to stereotypes. Labeling has the potential of focusing attention on limitations and what a person cannot do instead of what they can. Labels can sometimes be used as an excuse or a reason for delivering ineffective instruction.