ANTH 2301 Quiz: Review 3

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In addition to the bold face terms in your book, the following are terms/concepts you should know: Taphonomy from the greek taphos (death), is concerned with the processes responsible for an organism becoming part of the fossil record and how these processes influence information in the fossil record. Many taphonomic processes must be considered when trying to understand fossilization. Events that affected the organism during life like changes in rainfall, availability of food, and behavior for maximum growth. Physical and chemical interactions that affect the organism from the time it is buried until the time it is collected in the field. Fossils do not speak for themselves but must be interpreted. *who is piltdown man? scientists at the time wanted to believe that a larger brain was crucial to our distinction and evolution as humans. Belief in false theory, wishful thinking, and cultural bias lead to the accepting of piltdown man as scientifically credible.