TXMI 3210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Yohji Yamamoto, Wedding Dress, Raf Simons

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Male dress traditionally expressed power, wealth, and glory active ware is one of the biggest growing areas. Overall-me(cid:374)"s fashio(cid:374) (cid:272)ha(cid:374)ges slo(cid:449)er tha(cid:374) (cid:449)o(cid:373)e(cid:374)"s fashio(cid:374), (cid:271)ut the fashio(cid:374) industry started with menswear. Men were the more powerful-came from chiefdom, monarch, soldier, and business man history: how ready to wear came to be. Men" fa hion i where ready to wear come . Gave birth to women ware and children ware. Before-things were made by tailors or at home. Slop shops-near the sea on east coast-while sailors were at sea, large batches of clothes were created in general sizes-not tailored clothes. 1863-invention of paper patterns by butterick: consistency in sizing, helped speed up production process. 1864-industrial revolution-mass production, lots of technological changes-better factories and looms: conservative youths became important-working class men became factory owners. Not the same as old money/aristocrats-had different styles of fashion. Industrialists were working class people-not trying to look like wealthy, old money people: suit-closer to working class dress.