PSYC 3230 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, Gender Dysphoria

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One"s sense of maleness or femaleness is called: gender identity. The most common personality characteristic of rapists is a. To be diagnosed with a paraphilia, a person: must have acted on the sexual fantasies. It was once believed that masturbation caused a. Social-skills training is most likely to be used in the treatment of: rapists. Autogynephilia is: sexual arousal in a male by the thought or fantasy of being a woman. Cross-gender identification is characteristic of: gender identity disorder. Most female transsexuals: have always felt that they should be male. Sexual variants illustrate a theme in abnormal psychology better than any other category of disorder. Which theme: the difficulty of defining the boundaries of normal and abnormal. Extrapyramidal side effects: are involuntary movements that result mainly from taking first-generation antipsychotic. Is a disorder involving genital pain associated with intercourse. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for people with schizophrenia: tries to help people question their delusions to help reduce their intensity.