PSYC 3100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Systematic Desensitization, Freudian Slip, Behavioral Activation

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Two parts a. b. the i > observing part. There is soul/observer (cogito) watches what me does. The thoughts are the thinker consciousness is a stream the me > the part we observe. Four main aspects: material self > extension of the self into the body, clothes, and possessions. Basis for lots of marketing research: social self > our individual self is linked to our social relationships. Many selves in one self : properly speaking, a man has a many social selves as there are individuals who recognize him and carry an image of him in their mind. (james, 1891) Charles cooley : the self evolves through the process of seeing others" reactions looking glass self: spiritual self > person"s moral center; inner or subjective being [and] psychic faculties or dispositions . Includes classic personality traits like extraversion or agreeableness & cognitive abilities like intelligence and creativity.