PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anal People, Reinforcement, Operant Conditioning Chamber

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Through actions: in class, we used two statements people often make about why they do what they as reasons why we need to study psychology scientifically. Introspection is careful, objective reporting on inner sensations. They concluded that people didn"t really know why they did some things; they would make up a reason and believe it, but it might not have been correct. It seems as though the brain would decide when to click the button even before the man was conscious that he was going to click it. This further supports that idea that we need a science because we may not completely be controlling our actions in the way that we think we are. Modular (different areas that perform different activities like vision, memory, test, and evaluation), parallel (we experience the output of these areas simultaneously, not sequential), unconscious (we are not aware of the processing, only the output).