MIST 2090 Study Guide - Final Guide: Minimum Viable Product, Postdigital, Freemium

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Mckinsey article particularly 5 areas for technology transformation. Existing firms are organized around current technology and don"t take advantage of new technologies that typically are not as profitable initially; eventually, new firms find a way to make the new technology profitable and overtake the existing firms. A mvp (minimum viable product) is used to test a product in a small market. A pivot is changing direction with your idea, typically after a mvp. Smac kpmg smac article three eras - pre/post digital. Computing architectures (mainframe network, cloud)/ warriors of the. When you sit around and think as a group, you typically just piggy back off of each other"s ideas and therefore stifle creativity; instead, start separate, come together in small groups, then come together in a big group. Canvas components of canvas; also types of customer, value props, revenue. Segmented means you have a couple different groups you"re trying to appeal to, but they"re all pretty similar.